Saturday, September 15, 2007

River Drive side

These two images show the views on the Bay side. There will be a screened porch added, which I imagine we will nearly live on in the warmer months. We'll obviously need to do some pruning in the bay-front yard, which is easy enough to take care when we're ready. From the inside, we'll have two french doors leading out to the porch.

Oh! And how cool--Noelie & Nicola shot some short videos:


Another shot from last weekend...This is facing Decatur. And the port-a-potty. I'm not sure if I was supposed to climb up there or not, but I couldnt resist. Its nice being high up, although we've already dwarfed the little cottage next door, and we have two more floors to go. Eek!

Up, up and away!

I woke up super early last weekend when Scott was in AZ and snapped these pictures. Its amazing how much they are completing each week! First floor walls (3 of them, anway) are up! This is a view from Decatur. I'm happy and surprised to see that will actually will have somewhat of a front (or back, depending on how you look at it) yard.

Monday, September 3, 2007


And what good is a dirt pile if you can't climb up it? Bronwyn and her very best friend, Elizabeth, who just got an adorable haircut.

A pool

Dad and I joked that we could just build a deep swimming pool. And yes, we are very close to our neighbors, Rita & JC. Happily, they are extremely nice and don't seem to mind that what was a nice view of a grassy yard with apple & pear trees will now the the sides of Transfyndd. Her father was actually a builder, so she seems perfectly prepared for the next many months...

I honestly cannot wait.

Heavy machinery

They've filled in the sides and have done a bit of grading---and I have to admit, I'm thrilled. It doesn't look as elevated as it did last week, I was a little concerned. I mean, we stared at the house plans for a YEAR and even still, you don't really know exactly what it will look like until they actually go and do it. This is a shot of what will be the bay front yard, I was standing on Noelie's property when I shot this.